How It Works
Survey, Certify, Celebrate

1 Amazing Surveys
In less than seven minutes, the Employee Happiness Survey gathers the most comprehensive workplace feedback available anywhere.

2 Certified Amazing
The Distinguished Workplace Award.
Certified Amazing Workplaces are also eligible for additional awards, rankings, and more.

3 Celebrate
Annual Amazing Workplace Certification
Feature your
Amazing Workplace
Social Media recognition. Nationwide and local news releases.
Workplace Awards
Gain access to awards at a national, regional, state, and local level; for your industry, and across 12 Critical Workplace Areas.
and Media Kit
Showcase your workplace on and use social media icons and logos in job postings, marketing, and other content.

Exact steps to
make your workplace
even more amazing.

Magic Insights™
Some workplaces want more than certification and awards. They want to clearly identify what makes their workplace amazing and isolate what would make their workplace even more amazing. That is why Amazing Workplace created Magic Insights.
Amazing Workplace's Magic Insights identifies the root cause of what makes a workplace amazing and Exact Actions™ to make a workplace even more amazing. Using 12 Critical Workplace areas, Magic Insights provides actionable results for workplaces committed to maintaining their Amazing Workplace.