What's all this
Amazing Workplace
stuff all about?
We've failed to simply explain this Amazing Workplace stuff. Let's fix that.

What is an "Amazing Workplace?"
Workplace is simply defined as a group of people working together in pursuit of a shared purpose or goal.
Amazing is simply defined as very good, extremely pleasant, enjoyable, or very likable.
An Amazing Workplace is a group of people working together that agree that their workplace is very good, extremely pleasant, enjoyable, and very likable.

How does a company become an "Amazing Workplace?"
Simply put, ask. The only way to find out if your employees agree that your workplace is amazing is to ask them. That is where Amazing Workplace comes in; we get honest feedback from your employees.

Honest Employee Feedback.
Honest employee feedback can only happen in a safe environment, free of potential punishment. Employees need a safe space in which to openly communicate and give feedback. Using Amazing Workplace to gather information provides that safe space for employees to communicate openly their thoughts and ideas without fear of punishment.
No one can connect employee answers to employees personally - not even Amazing Workplace. Amazing Workplace designed its Employee Happiness Survey™ in a way that it is impossible for an employee's identity to be connected to answers provided. It is important that your employees feel safe to answer questions without fear of humiliation or punishment. Amazing Workplaces' technology ensures that your employees can safely answer questions without fear of someone later finding out their identity.
The key to having an Amazing Workplace is honest employee feedback for your workplace. No two workplaces are alike. What makes one workplace amazing may not make the next workplace amazing. What matters most is honest employee feedback for your workplace. But how do you get honest employee feedback and what questions should we ask?

Amazing Workplace's Employee Happiness Survey™ Design.
The structure, organization, questions, and available answers are designed to obtain exact next steps for your organization to create a more amazing workplace. At this time, no other survey does this. Amazing Workplace doesn't simply use employee answers. The survey is designed to identify patterns and to actually prioritize, based on your employees' honest feedback, the most important next steps for your organization to create an Amazing Workplace.

Better Questions, Better Focus, Better Results.
Amazing Workplace's Employee Happiness Survey questions and answers are uniquely designed to provide actionable next steps for an organization. Many surveys focus on "benchmarking" (comparing a company's results to other companies). While there is value in this information, it does not by itself create an Amazing Workplace. The focus of benchmarking is a look "outward" to see what others are doing and how we compare. The only way to create an Amazing Workplace is to find out what your employees want - this is a look "inward" at what we can do inside our organization to create a more Amazing Workplace.
Every workplace is different, how does that work?
Hopefully we can agree that honest employee feedback for your workplace is important. But your workplace isn't the same as other workplaces. Let's explain how Amazing Workplace can help your workplace.
Every workplace, including yours, falls into one of 5 "groups":
- An already Amazing Workplace.
- A mostly Amazing Workplace.
- Not sure if the workplace is amazing.
- A workplace that is not that amazing.
- A workplace that is not at all amazing.
We work with every one of these 5 groups of workplaces. No matter which group a workplace falls into, the information they need is the same:
What exactly makes your workplace amazing?
These are the exact things that employees love about a workplace.
What exactly would make your workplace more amazing?
These are the exact things that employees do not love about a workplace.
Why does every one of the 5 "groups" of workplaces need this information?
1. An already Amazing Workplace
Amazing Workplaces don't magically stay that way. Anyone that has an Amazing Workplace will tell you that it took work to become amazing and it takes work to stay that way.
Knowing exactly what makes a workplace amazing tells an Amazing Workplace what to keep the same, not change.
Knowing exactly what would make an Amazing Workplace more amazing tells an Amazing Workplace what to change to keep their workplace amazing.
In short, any company wanting to maintain their Amazing Workplace would want this information.
2. A mostly Amazing Workplace
A mostly Amazing Workplace becomes amazing through Exact Actions™.
Knowing exactly what makes a workplace amazing tells a mostly Amazing Workplace what to keep the same, not change.
Knowing exactly what would make a mostly Amazing Workplace more amazing tells a mostly Amazing Workplace what to change to make their workplace amazing.
In short, any company wanting to become an Amazing Workplace would want this information.
3. Not sure if the workplace is amazing
A workplace that is not sure if it's amazing needs information. The information they need is:
Knowing exactly what makes a workplace amazing tells a workplace exactly what makes them amazing. Things they should not change.
Knowing exactly what would make a workplace more amazing tells a workplace what to change to create an Amazing Workplace.
In short, any company wanting to know how it is doing would want this information.
4. A workplace that is not that amazing
A workplace that is not that amazing needs to know what to do to make it amazing. The information they need is:
Knowing exactly what makes a workplace amazing tells a workplace exactly what makes them amazing. Things they should not change.
Knowing exactly what would make a workplace more amazing tells a workplace what to change to create an Amazing Workplace.
In short, any company wanting to make its company more amazing would want this information.
5. A workplace that is not at all amazing
A workplace that is not amazing at all needs to know what to do to make it amazing. The information they need is:
Knowing exactly what makes a workplace amazing tells a workplace exactly what makes them amazing. Things they should not change. Even not amazing workplaces have some things that are, in fact, amazing.
Knowing exactly what would make a workplace more amazing tells a workplace what to change to create an Amazing Workplace.
In short, any company wanting to fix things and become amazing would want this information.
What's the process?
We always start by letting a company know what makes their workplace amazing and what would make it more amazing. Whether a company is already amazing or not amazing at all - this is always the first step. We do this using our Employee Happiness Survey™ to gather honest employee feedback.
Then, based on the information gathered from your employees, here is what we do for each of the 5 workplace "groups":
1. An already Amazing Workplace
We help them CELEBRATE their Amazing Workplace.
Using exact standards, as measured across 12 Critical Workplace Areas, we certify workplaces as amazing. Certified Amazing Workplaces™ are eligible for awards and rankings. Certified Amazing Workplaces are also featured on www.amazingworkplace.com - a smart alternative to other "employee review" websites.
2. A mostly Amazing Workplace
3. Not sure if the workplace is amazing
4. A workplace that is not that amazing
5. A workplace that is not at all amazing
Any workplace, that is not yet amazing, can become amazing. We EMPOWER workplaces to be amazing using surveys, results, resources, consulting services, and more.
Using exact standards, as measured across 12 Critical Workplace Areas and gathering over 145 data points, we identify exact steps to make a workplace amazing. These steps are presented in our Magic Insights™.
Amazing Workplace's Magic Insights identifies the root cause of what makes a workplace amazing and Exact Actions™ to make a workplace even more amazing. Using 12 Critical Workplace areas, Magic Insights provides actionable results for workplaces committed to creating a more Amazing Workplace.
What does Amazing Workplace do?
CELEBRATE: Recognize and award Amazing Workplaces:
For companies that want to get recognized and awarded for their great workplace, we certify companies as Certified Amazing Workplaces™. We let the world know that their workplaces are amazing. This certification is done annually.
EMPOWER: Help companies become Amazing Workplaces:
For companies that want to have an amazing workplace, we provide detailed steps to have a more amazing workplace and when they have accomplished their goal, we certify these companies as Certified Amazing Workplaces.
EMPOWER: Maintain - help companies keep their Amazing Workplace:
Certification is done annually. Certified Amazing Workplaces want to keep their workplace amazing — we survey their employees and provide them with detailed steps to maintain their already Amazing Workplace.
EMPOWER: Job Postings next to Verified Employee Reviews:
Amazing Workplaces empowers your workplace to post jobs adjacent to certified employee reviews - providing your workplace with the best opportunity to attract talent.
EMPOWER: Professional Services:
Amazing Workplaces also provides professional services to help companies celebrate, maintain, and create Amazing Workplaces.

What if a company isn't that amazing?
It is the same approach. We work with companies to find out what makes them amazing. We also discover what would make their company more amazing (things that are not yet amazing). We provide detailed steps to fix/change/improve those things that are not yet amazing.